Report Something on Facebook

Please select the option that best describes what you'd like to report and then use the link or information provided to find the best way to report it. By choosing the correct option, you'll help us review your report faster and more accurately.
We want to help, but please keep in mind that we have to be able to find something you report in order to review it. You may need to ask a friend who can see what you're reporting to help you answer the questions below.

We're sorry you're having a bad experience on Facebook, and we want to help. If you want to report abuse on Facebook but you don't have an account or can't see the content (example: someone blocked you), please provide the information below to help us find the content you're reporting. Be sure to select the option above that best describes what you want to report.

Keep in mind that we won't be able to take action on your report until we can find the content you're reporting. You may need to first ask a friend with an account to help you find the information below.

To show us where the abusive content is located on Facebook, we'll need you to provide the link (URL) to the content. A URL is a unique location shown in your address bar that helps us find the specific content you're reporting (see below):

To get the link for a Facebook profile, Page, group or event:

  1. Enter the name of the profile, Page, group or event in the search box at the top of any page on Facebook, and click .
  2. Click on the name of the profile, Page, group or event you're trying to report.
  3. Copy the link (URL) found in your browser’s address bar.

To get the link for a specific piece of content created by a profile, Page, group or event (example: comment, photo):

  1. Click the date or time link in the post, comment, photo, share or video.
  2. Copy the link in your browser’s address bar.

Please note that we may not be able to locate the content without this information.

If you're unable to provide the link to the content, we may be able to find the content if you provide as much of the information below as possible:

  • For a specific post, comment, photo, share or video, you can provide a link to the Facebook profile, Page, event or group that created the content you're reporting, and the time and date that the content was posted.
  • A screenshot of the abusive content. If possible, the screenshot should include the name of the person, Page or group that created the content you're reporting and the time and date it was posted.